The little girl sits in the corner
Scared to move, scared to breathe
Thinking no one cares..
She cries herself to sleep everynight
Just wanting to die.
She cries for help, but noone hears.
The little girl hurts her poor little arm,
Thinking maybe finally someone will see the pain.
She is so sad, she has noone to turn to
Because she thinks no one cares.
She looks up and hopes god will hear her,
"why cant i be accpeted for me?"
"why does noone care about me?"
She continued to look up..
And a tear rolled down her cheek.
She just wanted to die
She wanted to end all of her pain,
The little girl didnt want to continue
her life.
Noone understood her or cared.
She didnt wanna grow up and be a nobody
So she looked up one more time and said to god,
"Im sorry i must do this, i hope ill see u soon, maybe then once im gone everyone will notice the little girl who couldnt take life anymore.."