For one last time,
I will leave these words behind
Follow your heart,
And cry when it's time
11:11 the clock will say
Here's a blade with your name
So use it till you feel no pain
And when you do,
Think wisely
About the times when I was hurt
Because I promise you my dear...
This will hurt way worse.
24 hours
This is where it starts
Count down hour by hour
Minute by minute
Second by second
Are you worried about this?
I see you're scared,
But you said you would do it
I'll do it for you if you want,
It will only take a minute
Slowly and carefully
Make sure you do it right
Because if you don't
Then you'll be scared for life.
There's a sign in your window
There's a number on your watch
Here's a blade with your name
11:11 says the clock
Like a shooting star
You were gone in a second
You did it right for once
Now we all have to live with it
To walk inside
And see the mess
The puddle of blood
Around your chest
You did it true,
You did it once
You did it only cause I wouldn't keep my mouth shut
Like cat and mouse
You were eaten alive
Couldn't handle the pressure
Of the un-so satisfied
These rumors I hear
Were all just lies
Although it wasn't easy
A funeral for a friend
To walk by your coffin
And throw a flower or two in
And to know that it's my fault
And to know that you were fine,
I know that it's my fault,
And I knew that you were fine,
But to stab me in the back
There was a poem like this
Written at your funeral
That went a little something like this...
For one last time
I will leave these words behind
Follow your heart,
And cry when it's time
11:11 the clock did say
Here's a blade with your name
So use it till you feel no pain
And when you do,
Think wisely
About the times when I was hurt
Because I promise you my dear
This will hurt you way worse.