Second Chance

by YoungSaint   Sep 4, 2005

My life is cut to pieces...
So I run to grab a knife...
There is no turning back now...
I am soon to end my life...

Now my life has ended...
And I stand at heavens gate...
Saint Peter sits there with a notepad...
And asked why I chose this fate...

He said this was not the choice to make...
You strayed from the good lords plan
If you could have your time again...
Would you be a different man?

I looked and him frightfully...
And said why yes of course...
So he said this is your last chance..
And sent me back with force...

He sent me back to where I was...
Standing with that knife...
I look at my reflection, in the blade...
And decide I value life

Why did she have leave me?...
Its made my life a hell
Its hurt me in ways youd never know...
So this is the story I tell ...

I tried to take my life that night...
But I was sent back you see
And it was not very long at all...
Till she came running back to me...

She said she could not live with out me...
It hurt to be apart
She said I was her one true love...
Since the very start...

Every time I look at her
I cant help but smile
4 years soon did pass...
then were walking down the aisle...

So I thank the lord for this second chance...
Im glad I droped that knife
Because now I have a baby girl...
And a beautiful wife...

Now all this could not have come about...
With out the second chance that day...
Please no its not an easy way out...
Suicide is not the way ...

~*~please vote and comment i want some feed back~*~


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Lizzy Romero

    This is great. it really shows what you can do with a second chance

  • 18 years ago

    by michelle

    This braught tears to my eyes. i had a similar situation.. Keep writing. Your great at it..

  • 18 years ago

    by James Brady

    This is really beautiful
    good job

  • 18 years ago

    by nadsyy

    Wow loved dia mwaz xoxo

  • 19 years ago


    This is great, Its a diffrent type of love poem and its a story also.
    The flow was great and I loved the idea, so original and unique.
    Well done this is excellent.
