I know what it feels like,
To be hut and pushed down.
But you have to think about someone special,
And erase that frown.
I know what it feels like,
not to have a dad.
But you gotta stop thinking of you,
and stop being mad.
I know what it feels like,
To have a broken heart and cry.
But you cant just sit and moap,
Waiting for yourself to die.
I know what it feels like,
For mom to never be around.
But you cant just turn up your music,
And not make a sound.
I know what it feels like,
To break down and bawl.
But you gotta pick yourself up,
And walk not crawl.
I know what it feels like,
To wonder why they care.
But don't try to avoid them,
Because they try to be there.
I know what it feels like,
To always have a doubt.
But you cant keep telling yourself,
That no matter what you're getting out.
I know what it feels like,
To have people give you advice.
But you gotta suck up your pride,
And try to be nice.
I know what it feels like,
To be alone and depressed.
So don't be a loner,
try to get up and get dressed.
I know what it feels like,
To love someone and they don't feel the same way.
But you gotta pick up your pieces,
And try to be okay.
I know what it feels like,
To hurt so bad inside.
But you gotta wipe your mascara off,
After you cried.
So as you take my advice,
And try to make your life a better place.
Remember all the people,
That helped put a smile on your face.