What love means to me

by matt white   Sep 5, 2005

What love means to me

Love is more than just
A simple cliche
Its not knowing what to do
Or even what to say
Scared of the reaction
Of the person you love
Scared your emotions will get
Pushed or shoved
Or being scared of how they react
To what you do or say
Or being sad when you haven't
Talked to them all day
The way you make me feel
I just can not explain
The joy that you give me
Or even the pain
Pain from when you say
"I don't see us together foreve"
But I know that no one
Could have this love severed
And then the joy
Of all the "I love you's"
Because all I really want
Is to always be your boo
I know that
Forever is a long time
But I think we can make this work
With time
I am just scarred of
Losing you
Because every other girl
Has lied when they s aid I love you
It is so hard to
Trust girls after what I been through
But I am glad that
I know I can trust you
Because you leaving me
Would just be devastating
And to my life would
Just add complication
My life was nothing but hell
Till I met you
And now I live for one reason
And that's to see you
I've been waiting for a blessing
To come from above
And I have got it
And that's you my love

*now i did steal one line in here that i thought was awesome and thats the cliche line i got it from lil one*
*please vote and comment*


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  • 19 years ago

    by LiL One

    Good Job! You def. took the line and made it into a great poem!!!! LiL One

  • 19 years ago

    by chica poética

    GREAT POEM I've never heard of a guy feeling that way and writing poems like that it's GOOD lol and thank you for commenting on 2 of my poems I really appreciate it, it's hard to get people too lol and I hope the guy I wrote about likes me and Ihope one day I'll feel like you feel in your poem IT'S a GREAT POEM and thanks agian!~

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