Just Think

by Fade_t0_bLaCk   Sep 5, 2005

Everyday I think
of how much my life sucks.
How I'm never happy
how my life is so tough.

I think of how my parents
don't let me do what I want to do.
It's like they want to make
my life full of gloom.

I think of my bad relationships
where the guys were jerks to me.
I had thought I loved them
but no way were we meant to be.

I thought I had it bad
like living was too hard.
Like I needed to get away
go somewhere really far.

I think of how bad
my life is to me.
But there's people who have it worse.
I just never thought to see.

There are kids out there
who don't have families at all.
No one to take care of them
or catch them when they fall.

There are some people
who live out on the streets.
There are even children
helplessly get beat.

There are people in this world
who have no one to love them.
To care whether they lived or died
went to hell or to heaven.

So once I think about that
I realize I'm a fool.
Cause I never had to endure
the kind of pain some have gone through.

So when you start to think
your life completely sucks.
Think of all the hurting people
That don't have anyone to love.

I hope you like it. Plz comment.


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  • 19 years ago

    by J.C.

    I think that you have a good head on your shoulders. You're poetry shows that you actually think about what you say before you say it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sourav

    Great poem! Loved it! Keep it up!! If u get a chance plz check mine!

  • 19 years ago

    by XxCrazy4youxX

    ~*Great poem i loved it*~