Comments : Vanilla Coke...

  • 19 years ago

    by Katie

    Good poem. I am personally more for the deep thought provoking ones, but this kind is good too. You have a great rhyme scheme, aulthough it is a bit undefined. Nice work! 4/5!

  • 19 years ago

    by keep n touch

    You got a few spelling errors that if you read thru this agian, you will probly find. you think vanilla coke goes down smooth, i've always thought it kinda burns a little and makes your eyes water. oh well, maybe i'm just weak! nice poem

  • 19 years ago

    by Leanne

    Good poem lol kinda weird hehe. love x x xsexcbishx x x
    if u have sum time i would like it u could read su of mine x x x

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiny Reader

    Lol, I don't like vanilla coke, but oh well. Good poem. Different to what I usually read, but thats a good thing. I like reading different styles. But what exactly made you think of writing a poem about it? Lol

  • 19 years ago

    by Daze

    Lol, very funny, this is the first funny poem i've read on here, very original, i would of never thought of something like that, i liked it a lot, and i don't even like vanilla coke!, great job, 5/5

  • Great poem but a few spelling errors I think...

    and i takes me to candy land (i=it?)
    it it so wrong that i love (is it?)