I spit on you

by Lu   Sep 7, 2005

Your cold presence
surrounds me
trying to lacrimate my very soul
from my spirited body

You try to suck the very flesh
from my bones
you thrive on the pain
and loneliness of the asthenic

you are faceless
but yet your name I know well
you are the prince of darkness
your presence causes me to shiver

But yet I will fight
fight for the name of my God
fight for the one who is honorable
The only one true enough to be called honorable

You will try to deter us
from our faith and beliefs
but we will create a bulwark of people
standing together as one

It angers you
but we together are to inviolable
for you to break us
But yet you will continue to try

You create disaster and pain
only to be blamed on my God
in hopes that we will abandon
our Saviour , our faith

You are not trust worthy
I will not cower from you
instead I spit in your face
dance and sing in the isles of my temple

You exist only by word
you are only a scavenger of the weak
but we will carry them
side by side together

We the people together
will abolish you
into the fiery pits of hell
to burn forever

You disgust and revolt me
I banish you from my world
my loyalty is to my God
the true righteous God

For you are the evil spirit
we despise you
we anathemize your name
for you are Lucifer the scum of hell


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  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    This is an amazing poem. has so much emotion in it. keep it up

  • 19 years ago

    by AllHailTheHeartbreaker

    Wow... Impressive poetry. It was strong and well-written. I'm really kind of at a loss of words right now...