A black whole

by matt white   Sep 7, 2005

A black whole

I feel like I've been used
For my love and tossed aside
And now I feel dead
Without you by my side
Why am I being punished
For a crime I did not commit
I was a perfect boyfriend in your eyes
So then why cant you admit
I don't deserve what you
Have just done to me
Why couldn't we have stayed
Together and both been happy
Because you say that this hurts
But I don't know what to believe
Are you telling me the truth
Or is it me whose being deceived
You were the first
Thing good to happen in a while
But now that were through
You have just added to the pile
Of heart breaks and meaningless
Loves that were once in my life
So its back to the pain
And nothing but the strife
I finally trust a girl
And the same thing happens once again
I am the one crying
And the one who's heart broken
As if it wasn't hard enough
For me to trust another person
To my condition
You have done nothing but worsen
How am I supposed
To trust a human being
When lying and deceiving
Is all that I'm seeing
I finally open up
And start to trust you
But I guess true love
Was just to much for you
And no I did not
Mention you being my wife
Because that's to far ahead
To think in my young life
So if I freaked you out
Those were not my intentions
I just wanted a love
That was full of ambitions
So I beg for you
To please take me back
Because without you
My life's no longer bright its forever black

Dedicated to the love of my life I hope this captures her heart...
I love you so much


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  • 19 years ago

    by Genna

    Im in the same position, and the poem touched me. Thanks for letting me know that im not alone. Hope you find your love back. Im working on healing myself.

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