Happy Birthday Mrs. Fourteen

by Christa   Sep 7, 2005

So today you turn fourteen,
What a scary thought.
Since that age I've defiantly learned alot.
Sometimes I wish I could
go back to being fourteen,
I remember exactly what I
was thinking at my
14th Birthday scene.

I remember dreaming
of owning my own car,
Imagining my 1st kiss,
finishing school or
even hitting up a bar.
I remember hating the taste of coffee,
Now I'm addicted to caffeine.
I remember thinking my
younger sister was the most
annoying girl around,
But also admiring her boldness
from behind her frown.

I'll never forget thinking what
she'll be like when she learns
of her beauty inside.
How her greatest gift was easy to see,
When she knows it, she'll learn
of the strength it will provide.

So.. Today's your Birthday,
spend it all on you.
Eat all the cake you want-
its the one day you have an excuse to.

But if theres any advice I can
give you on your special day,
Is that anytime things are tough,
I've been there, dont be afraid to pray.
These next couple years
are going to be your best,
Your going to learn so much
about life, love and yourself,
You'll be put to the test.
Don't ever forget of the power
you've learned to possess.
Enjoy every second of drama
and having no bills to pay,
It seems so simple but the
older you get the bills triple
and the drama never goes away.

Now that I'm almost
nineteen this I must advise,
That you never forget who you are,
have the most fun you can and never compromise.
I'm here if you need it,
but I'm sure you'll be fine.
Just imagine this, when I was
14 you were only 9.
Think of the last 5 years
and how fast they've come,
How much you've changed
How much you've done.
Take it all and embrace your teens,
"Happy Birthday Mrs. Fourteen!"

Christa D©


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