Spread my wings

by nobody   Sep 7, 2005

In my deserted little world
i've no where to go
i've™ve no where to spread my wings

In my deserted little world
i have got to keep strong, I cannot
I am here because I love you

It is not your fault
That I am in my little deserted world
With no where to spread my wings

It is because I love you
And I no I can never have you
But I still love you

It is hard to stand my ground
To find myself once more
I am so afraid

I am lost out here on my own
I do not know where I am,
Or who is here with me

I look around my pitch, black world
There is no one here
Only you in my pitch black heart

You are the light
of my pitch black heart
You the wind that carries my wings

The sight of you
, brings me out in the open
I can finally spread my wings
I am out of the deserted world
I have got somewhere to go
You are the light, the wind, the place

Then I look again
You are not alone
You have got her with you

The sight kills me
A thousand gleaming knives
Out to get me, kill me

It raps me in an invisible box,
Hunts me with a demon
I can no longer spread my wings.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Awesome poem:) *just incase you dont know awesomes my fav comment word:P* Emotional, relatable, well worded everything was fan-tastic:D great work hun, keep it up Im glad to see a new poem up Ive been waiting:D

    Love Jenn x0x0x