The love he gave you

by ellie   Sep 7, 2005

You love the one you love,
You give him everything inside,
You think it cant get better,
Then he decides it should end.
You thought that love was about trust,
No promises,
No secrets,
You say what you think is wrong and suddenly you've blown it.
You didn't no how much the love could hurt,
Like there's nothing you can do,
Apart from weep with all the pain of guilt and sorry,
But you don't feel any better.
You look around,
Noticing the thing of his he gave you,
The bracelet,
The flower.
You once had the love,
The love you wanted to treasure,
The love you though would never end,
But from the signs he showed,
You knew it had to come sometime.
He told you,
The look of pain on his face,
You weren't able to read anything apart from the
'I don't really think this is working'
You pulled away from the screen,
Tears streaming down your face,
Unable to say anything,
You cried out with despair,
You look at his face,
You could see the tears in his eyes,
He was managing to hold it,
But you had to let it all out,
You didn't no what happened,
It felt as if your world was over,
He was the one that put the stars in sky,
Filled the hole in heart,
But he left you,
Dark and empty,
Knowing that what you say wasn't good enough.
You wanted to go and meet him sometime,
But it wouldn't be the same,
Uncomfortable and nervous,
There would be no point anyway.
He said he's sure you'l find a boy nearer,
You wont be able to,
No one would be like him anyway,
He was special to you,
You thought he was for keeps.
A nearer relationship wouldn't work.
You knew the relationship was being held together by love,
You thought it was more than that,
But obviously you were wrong.
It had to be for the best.
The next day you thought of nothing but him.
The same questions mixed in my head.
Why did he say what he did?
What had you done?
What had YOU said?
How it would have been like if it had lasted?
What your future was going to be like?
Does he still have feelings for you?
You know he does,
He's scared to show them,
You aren't though,
You show them,
Making signs you want to get back together.
But nothing has happened.
You're promised by friends he will.
You know deep down he wont.
You lay in bed,
Treasuring the moments you had,
Wishing he was beside you,
But knowing it was wrong.
You thought to yourself that,
The truth hurts, to much to say but,
Too much to keep bottled up.
So what are you meant to do?
Unfortunately no one is able to turn back time
If you had a chance,
You'd jump at.
You sit at the computer waiting for him to come on.
It dings and flashes at you,
You smile, forgetting everything,
About to write what you normally say.
When it comes back,
You say hi like friends do,
Restraining yourself,
Wishing it hadn't changed.
That the feelings weren't different,
You'd still be the same usual self.
He has to go.
You don't say the usual stuff,
You send him one kiss,
And he goes.
You sit there,
Staring blankly at the screen,
Wishing you could say love you,
The same way you did!


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