Warped and Twisted

by Brittney Follett   Sep 10, 2005

This is my very first poem I have ever written.

Climbing out of hell
with my wings on fire
back into this world
of darkness and desire
flying up to heaven
just to be forbidden
this crime I've committed
is still unforgiven
I'm wandering in this place
warped and twisted..

Flying through this world
tortured and hated
everything i see
is what i have created
what i have to be
in front of my peers
is not the person i am
its to inspire their fears..

My love and desires
have been fed into hells fires
My body is warped
my spirit is twisted...

Copyright Brittney Follett

---------- 12-19-06 -----------
New Version

Climbing out of hell,
With my wings on fire,
Back into this world,
Of darkness and desire.

Flying up to heaven,
Just to be forbidden,
This crime I've committed,
Still goes unforgiven.

Anger runs inside me.
My hands are fisted.
I'm wandering in this place,
Warped and Twisted.

Flying through this world,
Tortured and hated.
Everything I see,
Is what I have created.

Death, destruction, hate.
I'm leading them towards fate.
Their death is coming fast.
They will die at last.

My love and desires,
Are laid in Hell's fires.
My body is Warped,
My spirit is Twisted.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by tyler steinman

    Hey, this was good, and i never leave one liners... i wish i was this good and if you have the time read some of mine plz
    i am adding you add me too plz ttyl tyler

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Wow! i loved this poem.... the new version was the best but the first one was very good for being your first poem ever...very good job! 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by UnToLd TrUtH

    Wow again this is another one of your good ones that I have read. 5/5 My favorite stanza is....
    "Climbing out of hell
    with my wings on fire
    back into this world
    of darkness and desire
    flying up to heaven
    just to be forbidden
    this crime I've committed
    is still unforgiven
    I'm wandering in this place
    warped and twisted.."

    I loved the wording and the flow, it tied it up really nicely.

  • 18 years ago

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    What i have to be
    in front of my peers
    is not the person i am
    its to inspire their fears..
    ((These are your weakest lines..You're talking about death and darkness, and then you go to talk about people around you. I didn't like it..not at all. Poor choice here, with all due respect.))

    Otherwise, this is an amazing poem if it is your first. It's simply amazing. Very well written. I suggest, once again, to try punctuation; it would flow so much better with it. Since it didn't have it, I read all the way through, without a breath....And it made it seem hurried.
    Nice job.


  • 18 years ago

    by twisted reality

    Well...I would never have guessed this was your first poem ever. Lol. My first poem literally had no flow, crappy rhymes, and just...no emotion to them. This poem contained all of that and more.

    The flow was great. Especially for a first poem. I was impressed with how well you wrote this. It had emotion, which I like a lot in a poem. And I REALLY liked how you were 'warped and twisted.' =P It gave it so much more depth to use those 2 words instead of some other 2. Well done. =) 5/5 xxoo


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