Heres a little somthing about me *long*

by Angel   Sep 11, 2005

If i could say one thing in my life
it would be sorry for the feelings i cried
the bitter part of my heart that died
i am changing inside and out
i can feel it
i can see it
my eyes show a story of its own
of a poor boy that always wanted to be
alone to not be bothered by the likes
of people in my home.

In this life of mine
you can see
that not everything is a happy
given opportunity
but i can say heres a little something
about me.

My father always had more than one woman leaving me to wonder the possibility of more sisters and brothers
then soon leaving me by myself with my mother
growing up with a family that didn't fit me waking up every morning as a child happy but sad to soon find out
what life was like on the out
still not knowing what life was about
so i walked as a child curious and new to the things.

In this life of mine
you can see
that not everything is a happy
given opportunity
but i can say heres a little something about me

years after
when i was 12 i met a loved one
who changed my life but soon later died due to a knife infected my mind
with the crazy scene in my head
wishing to go back and be taken instead leaving with nothing but to be dead damaging my mind
now i see her everyday.

In this life of mine
you can see
that not everything is a happy
given opportunity
but i can say heres something
about me.

I am 17 years old and a
week from being 18
life has been OK nothing obscene
i found me a beauty
like those cuties you see in the magazines and i love her to death
but i can say heres a little something i want you to know about me
I'm doing OK.


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  • 19 years ago

    by xXamyXx

    Heya hunie i love this poem bless ya hunie xox yu will have 2 have a luk at mine nd tell me wot yu fink please xoxoxmuchxoxoxlovexoxoxaimee

  • 19 years ago

    by AnnMarie

    Your poems are good but your quotes down right bad no horrible

  • 19 years ago

    by David McIntosh

    Very thought uot poem my friend, I like it very much 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Bridgette

    *reads it again* That touches me so....I love it...I love you

  • 19 years ago

    by Bridgette

    Hmmm, *smiles* I love it. Although, I'm taking your idea and doing my own too.

    But I really like yours. You have really been though a lot. But you know what I've noticed? It's kinda gone from bad to good, if you look at it the way i see it.

    Anyways, very good love 5/5.