I guess it's about time I forgot about you,
I need to because of all the pain you've put me through,
I don't deserve to be hurt this way,
I used to be weak, back in the day,
When I first liked you I didn't want to be with anyone else but you,
I gave up on a lot of guys because they weren't you,
The whole time I knew that you didn't feel the same,
But still every time I saw you, I felt like a pawn in a game,
Waiting for someone else to move me,
It felt like someone had taken over my body,
I never had the courage to walk up to you and talk to you,
I would just stand there not knowing what to do,
When I first liked you I was too shy,
Not being able to talk to you made me cry,
I don't know what happened to me,
Ever since I moved I've felt free,
Free to be the way I want to be,
It's like I'm a new me,
Now I don't just talk to you, I flirt,
But no matter how much I've changed, I still hurt,
No matter what there will always be a part of me that wants to be with you,
My feelings for you will always be true,
But It's about time I let you go,
Will I ever get over you? I don't know,
But still I need to try because I can't take the pain any longer,
Maybe I will get over you, because now I'm stronger.