Higher through my heart you climbed,
All the while with me still blind,
You would sit there and give me that silly grin,
With me still oblivious to your sins.
It took a while, but I soon realised you were insane,
From the way you hurt me, and the way you caused me pain.
I couldn't bear to leave because of my love for you,
Instead I found my own way of what to do.
I loved to kiss your soft tender lips,
Just as much as how easily my skin slit.
I deserve to be cut up because I am worthless,
I'm not allowed to be happy when I am useless.
The gashes on my arms which you tore,
Are much worse than the time you kicked me on the floor.
You see, I understand now, my point in life,
And that point is to be hurt with a knife.
If I only disappoint people and hurt them within,
Then it is only right that I pierce my skin.
This is hard for you to understand, yes, I know,
But to be hurt and abused is what I was put here for.
~*~ I know it's rubbish but hey it's just some thoughts ~*~