I am what you’d call a skatie
Cos’ I wear a chain and I can skate
I wear baggy clothes
I’m something most people can’t take
But you also might call me a hippy
Cos’ I wanna save animals and trees
I am a vegetarian
And can’t stand littering
I suppose you could call me a s.k.a.nk
Because my skirt is tiny
And I’ll say how s.exy someone is
Even if they’re behind me
Or maybe you could call me a d.i.ke
Because I think girls are se.xier than guys
I’d choose Jennifer over Justin any day
And if people no I don’t mind
But I’d prefer it,
If you classified me by name
Instead of how I dress and act
And instead of being lame
My name is Katran
I’m what you’d call ME
If you can’t handle that
Why is easy to see
hey, i rote this cos im sik of being classified as sumthing, whether its a skatie, s.l.u.t, hobo, dag, tree hugger, wat eva, cos ppl only look at 1 aspect of me, so F.u.k evry1
who judges me!
o well