The Crimson petal drifts
Cradled in the wind’s mist
Feeling free and floating in ease
It embraces its freedom to live
It embraces its freedom to fall
Down the Avenue of broken dreams
Its Crimson petal dances
For the round black Abyss
The Crystals fall from the milky sea
A drop at a time the Crimson joy falls
Forced to the ground of broken dreams
Each crystal withering its Crimson Joy
As the round black Abyss trample around
The Crimson petal crippled and disfigured
The milky sea part opening its blue sky
As the Golden arrow pierces the once Crimson petal
The Dark Abyss gathers around
The once Crimson petal
This poem doesn't have a spot to post it in. If you know what I was talking about I'd like to know if you understood my poem.