Please dont die

by Greta Miller   Sep 12, 2005

I know that somethings wrong
I've had this feeling all along
I knew about all the tests
I could see all the stress
That you had to bare
Finding you was rare
For you were such a good friend
I'll stick by you till the end
You can close the rest out
But I'm not leaving, without a doubt
I'll never leave you
No matter what I do
I'll be right here
Here to share your fear
Here to help you through
Everything the doctors did to you
All the pain you had suffer
You tried to be tough
Act like you were fine
But I saw right through you
I found out even though you didnt want to tell anyone
I knew that it was there
The tests showed positive
The cancer was really there
Please don't die
Please don't leave
Please don't try to shut me out
Please trust me
Let me help you through this
Let me be as good a friend
as you were to me
Please dont die
Please dont leave me here
To rot and cry
Cause without you its not worth living.

One of my best friends at work has cancer, its not for sure cause shes a private person and wont tell anyone but her family...but i know...i know shes scared and i want to help her, I hope she'll let me...


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  • 17 years ago

    by moonlil

    Cancer is a terrible disease. I know exactly what you feel. Very nice poem though.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sourav

    You are not only a good poet but you are a good person as well! This poem of yours is so heart felt... Very well written!

  • 19 years ago

    by never_quite_me

    This is a really nice poem. i wish you and your friend all the best of luck, i think she'll appreciate such a supportive mate at a time like this:)xxx