by Becca   Sep 12, 2005

Life isn't fair,it has never been,and never will be,like when you fall in love,and its torn apart by distance,when you get into dumb little fights,but get over it in the end,people say when you're in love time distance nothing can get in the way,but time and distance can stand in the way,it feels like my life is caving in,and no one cares,these fallen pieces of a puzzle have fallen on me,yet no one helps me up,so I'm doomed with the dark clouds laughing at me from above,I've lost all faith and I don't know who or what to believe anymore,I'm in doubt more than i have ever been in,I live in fear now,I cry every night,not because I'm lonely in my room,but because of these bloody tears falling from my eyes,people don't know the real me,they think they do,so I sit in my small chair in the dark corner,and bite my nails,the bags under my eyes,I haven't slept for days,nor eaten,I think depression has kicked in,the thought of death has crossed my mind a time or two,yet I don't have the guts to try,maybe thats a good thing,a crow landed on the table in front of me,no one is even trying to find me,this building is so old the holes in the ceiling remind me of the holes in my heart,the rain is leaking through,like the blood running down my arms,I have cuts all over,like I'm a cracked sculpture ready to crumble,I feel dead now,I refuse to move,black roses surround my head as I Ly breathless on the ground,my eyes are bloodshot,the knife on the table cleaner than anything I've ever seen before,my ribs are visible,my spine and sternum also,my eyes are sunken in,my flesh white as snow,I still have bloody stains from the blood running,my eye liner is smeared,my head in a puddle,I cough up my intestines and yet no one said it was possible,my hair has fallen out,my hands clenched in a fist,I couldn't stand it,I tried holding on holding on as long as I could,but out of nowhere I gave up,my bones still Ly here with all my broken dreams,soon my bones will turn to dust,and I wont be remembered,there will be nothing left,people thought I was mentally insane,but I'm not mentally,I am insane,my white shirt has turned pink,the smell of death flows through the air as I Ly here and rot,my heart is black has anyone even noticed that I'm gone,will I ever have a proper burial or will I Ly here forever and burn in the pits of hell,a year has passed and no one found me,guess that proves how important I was,I must go now good-bye...


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