I lay here tonight
Wonderig if i'll see you tomorrow
I talk to you
Wondering if i'll ever hear from you again
I tell you I love you
Wondering it it will be
The last words you hear from me
I kiss you
Wondering if it will be our last
You say death is upon you
And soon you might be gone
You say I should let you go
And that I need to move on
But I can't do that
No matter how hard I try
Its harder than getting wings
So I can learn to fly....
It's impossible
You say you'll always be with me
No matter where you are
Dead or alive you'll be in my heart
Every night and day, even every hour
But until that time comes
Lets make the most of our time right now
And lets share all the love and happiness
That a lifetime will allow
I promise I'll always love you...
I'll never let you go