Tell Me The Truth

by matt white   Sep 13, 2005

Tell me the truth

I am still holding my pillow
Pretending that you are here
While at the same time crying
For I have confronted my biggest fear
I knew it was going to happen
Because it always does
Every girl I open up to
Leaves me just because
I always come on to strong
Or not strong enough
And I always walk away
Trying to stay tough
Well not this time
I can't hold my head high
Because I hate not having you
I just want one more try
I still want to know
If you even like me though
Because if you don't
Ill just cut my losses and go
Forget about the love we had
And we could have
Ill stop wasting your time
And forget about all our laughs
Ill try not to think
Of those long nights on the phone
It's still meant to be
I feel like this love is prone
I just can't get over
What I felt and feel for you
I can't sleep at night
Without thinking of you
I can't sleep at night
Because I keep thinking of you
And the fact that
You're no longer my baby boo
Because well the truth is
I still love you
And I will never forget
What there was between me and you
So what do you say
We give it another go
Or should I just shut up
Tell me I need to know
Don't lie to me
To spare my feelings
So do I have a chance
Or is my love no longer appealing


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    I remember the first poem I was really good and it was your first poem on the site...well, your poems are getting even better. I love the honesty and the deep feelings in your poems, great job. I'm one of your fans, so, don't let me down...keep it up and can't wait to read more. ^_^

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