Starved for Love.

by **dare~2~breathe**   Sep 13, 2005

Frustration grows, the anger shows.
Throw down the pencil,
shout at the walls.
teeth clenched and a tear falls.

Breathing speeds up,
hand knocks over the cup.
Pages of work get ripped,
to the neck the jacket zipped.

Slamming the door,
anger rising from the core.
Looking ahead and walking fast,
as thoughts of lost dreams fly past.

The wind cuts, the cold bites,
but going back would bring more fights.
Go anywhere, forced to be alone,
without a single friend to phone.

Tears flowing,
the anger's stopped growing.
Sorrow and loneliness fill the void.
heart broken,
too many times it's been toyed.

Running fast,
how long can this pain last.
giving up on the strife,
fingers wrap around the knife.

Anger fades,
a choice has been made,
Stop running and sit down,
making no sound.

The blood is spilt,
a wall that was built,
comes tumbling down,
to reveal a death,
no more tears,
no more breath.

Cold spreads,
Soul ascends.
No more pain.
No more frustration.
It's finally time for jubilation.

With death comes life,
Ending all strife.
Happiness reigns,
Leaving behind all pains.

With my suicide comes my salvation.
I'm filled with love.
And for my heart;
There's no more starvation.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    I felt it
    great poem
    keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Misunderstood Misery

    I love this poem...i can totally relate SOOO well...its an unbelievable poem...very deep...a lot of feeling and pain in it 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by MeganLeigh

    I really liked this poem. Deep. :)

  • 19 years ago

    by HansRik

    You are truly talented. I like the internal rhyme in the first line. In fact, the whole line sets out your emotion, and anger, and, of course, the desperation evident throughout. Great diction, some dark imagery would be fantastic. This was a great poem. Keep it up!