Odd One Out: Invisible

by Hayley Marie   Sep 14, 2005

Invisible, is what I seem,
No one can see me,
No ones ever around,
In this place I have found.

I'm sick of being,
The odd one out,
They have someone,
I have no one.

My sister has my mother,
My father and my brother,
Thats my family,
Odd one out, as you can see.

All my life,
My sister has had a bond,
My mom and her dance,
Of which they are very fond.

My brother and my father,
Have that father and son thing,
Like I said,
I have nothing.

But you see,
I don't need a counselor,
I now have somebody,
Who has really helped me.

It's my boyfriend,
He makes me feel happy,
This is truly love,
I never feel crappy.

People see me now,
And I always have a smile on my face,
Thats down to one person,
Who has put me back into my place.

I love you Zak,
And I'm sure you know,
Ill show my love,
As far as I can go.

I don't care what they say,
Just ignore them,
You know the truth,
They're just causing mayhem!!!

*this is a true story, my boyfriend has put a smile on my face that has made itself permanent!!!*
*im sorry it aint that good im thinking of giving up poetry!*


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  • 19 years ago

    by ~~Lindsay Woods~~

    Nice job...really liked this one!!!!!5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Heartless224eve

    Don't worry i feel the same wayin my family. i am the odd one ur poem described my life

  • 19 years ago

    by FlawlesslyTarnished

    Holla ... i know how you felt. all up til the bf part. like yah i hav one. but he doesn't exactly put a smile on my face. hope you're happy as ever now and for you to stay that way. excellent poem

  • 19 years ago

    by DANI

    Awww....zaky boi.....