Maple Syrup

by lisa marie   Sep 16, 2005

Deep in the woods you'll find a tree
Beside an old man drinking tea
All the branches will touch the ground
And singing birds will fly around
And in this tree you'll find a friend
Covered in animals from front to end
With a plate of pancakes by the tree
While sap drips off on all three


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  • 18 years ago

    by David

    I think this is an excellent write. Short and to the point. Very powerful and sweet.
    I loved it and so did my little sister.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sungrl And Mrs Whatsit

    What a *sweet*, refreshing tale.....

    Save this especially for children......

  • 19 years ago

    by Ariana

    LOL, this is nice! Short and two the point, it has a sing-song feeling to it. Short and sweet!

  • 19 years ago

    by Bursonater

    That is really random and really good in a very odd way :) i like the elements of nature you have blended and i like the way you include all three things mentioned when you conclude it,

    Good job,


  • 19 years ago

    by Katlynn

    I really liked this poem also. I mean this poem so reminded me of like fall time and halloween in a odd way because i mean to me it's like the maple trees and everything. That brought back memories and stuff. Amazing job. Oh and the pancakes reminded me of halloween because my aunt comes up during that time because it's her fave. holiday and we go out and eat pancakes in the morning. I just wanted to say thanks for bringing back those memories and also this poem reminded me like that old man lives in the maple tree and he loves being there like we love being at home. amazing job once again keep it up. keep on writing. love always and forever.

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