If you ever came to feel my pain
Or drown for a day in my lonely rain
You would know what its like to suffer in my hell,
If you listened to the tales I have to tell,
You would never again pass judgment on me
You may even understand why sometimes I flee
Why sometimes I hide when the road gets rough
Or run away when life gets tough.
If you spent sixty seconds locked in my head
You would understand why its life that I dread
If you took a minute to feel what I feel
You would understand that my pain is real
If you for once choked on my tears
Or had to fight through one of my fears
If you had to spend a day in my solitude
My nightmares you couldn't elude
The judgments you had would fade away
You would probably hit the ground and pray
To never again see the things I have seen
To never experience the dreams that I dream.
I was in a really depressed rut today, and a weirdly rhyming one...