After All This Pain

by xXxDarkPrincessLozxXx   Sep 16, 2005

All my innocence- ripped away,
And now I have nothing more to say,
I have nothing more to give,
Not a single reason to live.

The scars are getting more and more deep,
Multiplying my reasons to weep,
All the tears are falling hard,
All my emotions I cannot discard.

I act like I'm happy and joyous as well,
And don't let anyone see my hell,
I wont let anyone inside to see,
That deep inside I really hate me.

i can't forget how I feel,
Its so painful; it doesn't seem real,
All it is, is a horrible dream.
Maybe I'm not really what I seem,

It's almost impossible not to turn to the blade,
Not to inflict on myself, cuts I have made.
I have friends that I've pushed away,
And it seems that they're not here today.

So now as I lay here alone in my bed,
Soon I hope this pain will be dead,
Finally I'll push through all my pride,
Today's the today I'll commit suicide.


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