for all the poeple who read this - i would never do this to someone. that is just wrong. and if you write me comments that pertain to me a being a bad girlfriend and/or person, i will let you know how i feel about you. k
What do i really have to say
nothing is different
even after 3 months
and a day
it may sound bad
but as we kiss good-bye
there are other
guys on my mind
I'm getting bored
everyday - always the same
i need something new
a change
i do love you
like none before
but like i said
I'm getting bored
our kisses have lost
the initial lust
and i feel like soon
i will be hard to trust
so many others tempt me
always teasing me
with their eye candy
I'm sorry to do this
I'm sorry to say
that tomorrow
might be our last day