Taking back tears,
And the yes and sorrys I said,
I'm starting a new without either of you in my head,
I think I can get it right,
By making the pain out of sight,
He'll date her and you'll carry on,
I will go back to being the harmful one,
But by this time don't worry,
I won't hurt again,
For the only head I'll hurt is mine.
Taking back everything,
I don't care,
For I don't love him and I'm not scared,
Of being single anymore,
I'm going alone out of the black door,
And taking the pain in my hands,
And bleeding until I understand,
How I could do this to anyone,
Especially people who meant so much,
I am alone and learning,
Facing mistakes like I should,
Taking everything I've done and hating myself for it,
So but this is my turn,
I've made my bed now to lie in the blood I've caused.