He and She

by Truly in Love   Sep 17, 2005

She walked with grace in every step
The only women in the crowd with a serene mind
She was probably the most beautiful, as far as one could find

In her mind, many wondered what she possessed
As they were unknown to the lover she pledged

She was perfect as everyone said
Her every move carried an essence of infallibility
Every inch of her filled with strength, she was known for her great capability

She amazed her fellows with just one look
To make a man crazy, her eyes were all it took

She never meant to be attractive
It was just something god had to give

As people drop at her gorgeous smile
All she thought of was how to meet him, how to walk that extra mile

People would die a million times to have her by their side
But her desire was for the one who knew her from inside

She dared to play the love game
In her heart, carrying only his name

For a fervent soul like hers,
victory had to give in
Now she had found her man, secretly satisfied within

In the scarcity of love she found their hearts collide
Then she knew he was the one who loved her for who she was inside

As for the other men-

They felt unfortunate as they didn't have her as their guide
The silence of her beautiful soul was never revealed
Only he knew how strong was her inner tide


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  • 18 years ago

    by Monique

    Hey there,
    Well.. oh my god another lovely poem.. it's soo sweet, it was a pleasure reading it.. All of your poems are great.. but I like this one the most..it came straight from teh heart.

  • 19 years ago

    by -v-neE-

    O_o vEry nicE!!~ Love your poeMz..~ ^^ 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by bOlly danCer

    Very lovely..love it. 5/5.
    keep up the great wrk. many ppl can relate to this.


  • 19 years ago

    by alwaysremeniceus

    Makes me think a bit >.>... but i guess.. looks aren't everything :) so she's pretty.. and good personality o.o... its different.. but i love it...

  • 19 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Ok...so when u talk abt she...its u
    but tell me abt "he"??

    unique work...very diff from what i hv been reading in this site.

    great work...asusual