All you can find to do

by Stephy   Sep 17, 2005

When it hurts so much
and you can't take it no more
when you can't fake the smile
you can only show the tears

when nothing makes you happy
and nothing feels right
when all you feel is pain
and you can't remember what OK is

when you can't talk
you can only keep it in
when it feels like no one's there
and not a soul cares

when everything is wrong
and nothing can turn it around
all you can find to do
is hope for the bleeding to stop soon.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Mona

    Powerful end. Good poem. After reading this second poem of yours, i can tell you improved! And I mean it as a compliment =) GO girl! haha

  • 19 years ago

    by And smiles hide everything

    Hello, i put this poem up for you...very good! lol you didnt give it a title so give it a title oky doky smoky? And the part "and not a soul cares" thats not true cuz I care!!! Anyways u gotta say strong...things arent always as bad as they seem. and well if they are that bad then they cant possibly get worst! i love you! xoxox