You hurt me (resubmitted)

by Amanda   Sep 18, 2005

I need to get you out of my house,
I need to erase you from my mind,
I took you in when you had nowhere,
Cause I was the only one being kind,

I supported you in the good times,
I fought to help you through the bad,
I gave you my shoulder to cry on,
When depression made you sad,

I waited for you to get in from work,
I stayed up all hours of the night,
I gave you a lot of guidance and hope,
I tried to direct you toward the light,

Today we had a great big argument,
Spat your dummy out across the floor,
Dont know where you walked off to,
Wanted me to follow you through the door,

I didnt do what you wanted me to do,
I never once begged for you to stay,
Because you are so ungrateful,
For you to start acting in this way,

I wish I never offered to helped you out,
For now Im the one feeling depressed,
This poem seems to make no sense,
But I just had to get it off my chest.

Copyright 2005- Amanda Linzi

Resubmitted it, wrote it and posted it the other week and took it off. Hope you like....


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  • 19 years ago

    by ShadowDancer

    Very nice indeed. the metaphores u used were very effective, and helpd to portray your feelings, great job!!


  • 19 years ago

    by shawn hoskins

    Hey what can i say it was awesome i liked this it was really good you express your feelings well.

  • 19 years ago

    by dora

    HEy darL!! iTs d0ra. they suspEndEd my 0ld acc0unT s0 i g0t a nEw 0ne. anywaY ill be addinG new p0ems s0on.
    this 0ne t0uched my hEarT dEeP!
    l0ve ya hUn
    l0tz 0f l0ve

  • 19 years ago

    by BleedingAngel

    I didn't like this one, I loved this is amazingly written hun, you really got all of your pain out in this one, I felt it from the beginning to the end!!! Are you ok sweety, tell me what's going on, I want to help you....Havn't heard from you in a looooong time.

    *Much love from me to my special friend*