Lying shattered

by x~broken~angel~x   Sep 18, 2005

Lying shattered
on the floor
is a girl
alive no more

blood surrounds her
she killed herself
after trying so hard
to be someone else

everyone wanted her
to be someone she's not
but deep inside
she hurt alot

shattered, broken
torn up inside
always wishing,
hoping to die

Her dad comes home
he sees her dead
he doesn't know what to do
so he runs instead

He saw his girl was sad
but tried to ignore
the fact that his daughter
inside was so torn

Now his daughter
lies broken and shattered
His once special girl
but now, doesn't matter

~I wrote this poem in maths when i was having a bad day~


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  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Nicki*~

    Your poems are all really good. I think i am going to put you in my favs.

  • 19 years ago

    by -sadyellow-

    Nice me it was really strong...good job...looking forward to your other works...take care

  • 19 years ago

    by You-Destroyed-Me

    I luv this poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by dyingbrokenangel

    Awww steph i hope you ok!!! you know i love ya.. and i cnt belive someone did that.. told u i was dead.. i love ya

  • 19 years ago

    by Torn

    That was really sad...really felt that.
    please take care hun x x x

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