Playing with a ball in a yard so small.
a dog her friend in the colors of fall.
the leaves will blow tumble and crack.
she'll play outside till the sky gets black.
she'll get called in, yelled at and hit.
all because she'll throw a fit.
forced to sit alone in her room.
she's huddled up crying to the big moon.
a friend will come a sweet Lil boy.
he'll find her heart a neat Lil toy.
he'll make things fun!
but for her life seems done.
her friendship will crash when she disobeys.
a tornado will flash, then she'll change her ways.
alone again in her room
her nails will leave the scars of gloom.
but now another has come along.
and his greed for money is very wrong.
she wants him to leave, but she'd never kick him out
leaving her with years of dought
scared of tomorrow but that day shall come.
little by little comes back her mum
things looking up; keeping her on edge
since all she knows is pain and dread
another will come very soon
a military man prolongs any doom
he'll stand beside her proud and tall
in this world she's no longer feels small.