Still want you back

by matt white   Sep 20, 2005

Still want you back

Every time I look around
It all reminds me of you
All I want to do is forget
Everything I knew and thought was true
Don't want to remember
All the heartaches and pains
I told you I was over you
But I still love you...let me explain
Just because you did something
Doesn't change how I feel
I love you just the same
And I always will
I still can't believe
What you did with him
But I don't care
It's all forgiven
I still only want
You back in my life
Without you
This all just don't seem right
All I got to remember you by is
All those memories
Those long nights on the phone
Swapping sayings and stories
Getting to know each other
Better than we did
Getting to love you more
And this I said
But when you said it back
You changed me forever
I thought from then on
Our relationship was an endeavor
And when you said it back
You opened me up
To a new feeling of love
I didn't want to give up
But 2 days later
It was over like that
And you said you love me
And say it's a fact
But how could you
After what happened
Its happened before
And I knew it was gonna happen again
I am always "perfect" to the girl
And they dump me
Just once I want
Me and a girl to be happy
Happy for a longer time
Than just 5 weeks
And for once
I thought I was on a luck streak
Thought I found the perfect girl
Who was made for me
The one and only
Who could always make me happy
No matter how bad it was
When I heard your voice
Everything bad was gone
Everything bad was destroyed
Just a simple "hi"
Made my day
That was all that
You ever had to say
I guess what im saying is
I just want that feeling back
What im saying
Is I still want you back

dedicated to courtney... -matt


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  • 18 years ago

    by Gesselle Valle

    Hey matt,
    not to much here just chilling and checking out your poem, great job 5/5 I like it alot. I'm glad to hear that you still love Courtney, but don't worry my friend, if it was meant to be...she will come back to you...kool. Well, take care and keep it up ^_^

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