Don't do that to me.
I'll stay calm.
I wont freak out.
Don't do that.
Stop this nonsense.
Forget it all.
Don't do that.
Listen for re-praise.
You'll be better someday.
Don't do that.
Follow your dreams.
Take a step.
Don't do that.
Smoke your cigar.
Lose control.
Don't do that.
Drowned in sorrow.
Overcome by tears.
Don't do that.
Feel the wind on your face.
Listen to the pain inside.
Don't do that.
Take the fork in the road to the left.
Forget everything.
Don't do that.
Listen to the others.
Wash away the scars.
Don't do that.
Go home.
Waste more time.
Don't do that.
Love someone else.
Forget him.
I cant do that.
To much love inside.
I'll Win.
I'll die, cry, lose control, freak out, overcome, listen, follow.
I'll do all of them.
Because, I lost your love at nightfall.