The broken heart

by Ssimmes15   Sep 20, 2005

So many days
so many nights
just when i thought
everything was right

I turned around
and saw the light
that made me realize
you weren't right

we fell apart
and all could see
that you and I
weren't meant to be

every night i think of thee
but then i remember
you're a just a memory

I'm sick of liking you
and i want it to end
but it won't
And i don't know why

so i try to put
my heart back to shape
because after you hurt me
it shattered all over the place


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  • 19 years ago

    by Im In Love What Can I Say

    Awww i like this it is sweet verything would be ok if you take everything slow. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    Aww hun im sorry you feel this way but it will get better give it time xox