The one you love

by Russell   Sep 20, 2005

A sleepless night
Turns into a waking day
Looking at the sun that is so bright
All your fears wash away

Finally you see the one you love
She greets you with a kiss
One that is truly sent from above
And you know nothing is amiss

She will always be there for you
From the good days
To the bad ones you will go through
Forever at each other you gaze

***please tell me how it is...and wht i should work on***


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  • 18 years ago

    by Meggie33

    Umm i just liked it all, i find it hard to tell a poet how to improve when i see the poem as flawless, as long as the meaning and emotions are noticable, why change a thing? i loved it, great job!


  • A sleepless night
    Turns into a waking day
    Looking at the sun that is so bright
    All your fears wash away

    I love this stanza!! Rhyming seemed a bit forced but other then that it was good!!! I really enjoyed reading your poems!! Take Care!!

  • 19 years ago

    by alwaysremeniceus

    I love it... i think its what everyone chases after... something to look for and find in life :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Kayla

    Russell that was a real sweet one keep up the good work hun

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    This one has a good content, but you might want to work on rhythm a bit more.