
by Jamie   Sep 21, 2005

Okay this is completley different from anything i've ever done it was an english assignment (it couldn't rhyme) and I dont know if this is okay or just completly stupid and you think i may be a retard...tell me the thruth i will take this down if i need too, i wanna know if its okay or just completley a sad excuse for anything lemme know you can critisize but other then that just say good okay or reject.......thanks

Darkness blindfolds your scars
Ties wrapped harsh so not too bleed
At least not to bleed too much
And when you separate
Will you envision my leaving?
At least think of my pain impregnated nights
Black tear stains on my untainted floor
See my pleading although nothing is safe
At least nothing is safe to being felt
And to rape the heartless stars right
Out of the sky and then pick them up
At least pick up many if not all
Only to drop them and break them
Into a million perfect strands of glitter dust
At least if it doesnt shine it will glow
Then once again throw them up

Let it rain acidic
At least hazardous but beautiful and calm
Let it die and be re born ashes
Let it sparkle brighter then the sun
At least the moon once will enchant
Lift me up so I can be intoxicated
All this time I couldnt stand up, still cant
Or at least not on my own
Tighten the threads that sew you whole
Is it her, is she the thread?
At least she must be the needle that bonds
And was I nothing but a mistake
Fatal chills and sugarcoated blood drops
At least it didnt pour from inside
But it did belittle my hopes
My trust for the world entirely
At least for the most part, I hate
Broken, into battle I will not go
I will turn and run away as I am scared
At least I will walk, give you time to shoot
This is the end, I was nothing, and you are gone
I am desperate and you are lacking detriment
At least one of us goes on unharmed


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  • 19 years ago

    by midnight♥lullibys

    I know poems dont have to rhyme...but this poem would just be flippin AMAZING if you had a better rhyming scheme is written so beautifully....4/5

  • 19 years ago

    by shawn hoskins

    It wasn't that bad didn't rhyme that much but it was still a very good poem 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    Alright. First off I'd break it up a bit into stanzas. This poem is a bit of a soliloquy (or a monologue I guess), and thus the speaker should be breaking up their thoughts into generally understandable units. For example, you should start the second stanza with the "let it rain acidic" line, as it seems to be a slightly different line of thought from the line above. You can get the coversational tone of the poem out more if you organize it into stanzas in my opinion. As for the not rhyming aspect of it, i enjoyed it.

  • 19 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    Not too shabby :) this really had a lot of great images in it, and your execution of the unrhymed poem is pretty strong.. one thing..

    Ties tied tight so not too bleed

    the alliteration of this line hinders a easy flow,.. its kinda like a tongue twister lol.. anyway.. the repetition of atleast HAS to be intended, as you used it every 3rd line.. by no means did the repetition compromise quality in this piece, but i also dont think it stood out as a highlight in the piece.. it was just there,.. i honestly didnt realize it until a second review of the poem... good job on this, i always enjoy to see someone breaking from their usual style.. pZ

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    Hmmm...i didn't think it was that bad...I guess i can explain it more througholy to my teacher, he'll understand that im not psycotic lol