What I cannot forgive

by ShhhhItsASecret©   Sep 21, 2005

Because of you, I cannot trust!
I only hate you cuz I must!

You really ruined my life that day!
For doing that, you have to pay!

Nineteen years have already passed,
But I can't keep this in the past!

You almost killed me on that day,
And yet, you have nothing to say!

"Sorry" is what I need to hear!
I need to hear it, crystal clear,

But I know that will never be,
Cuz you don't care that you hurt me!

I wish you could just have a heart,
Because you tore my life apart!

I want you to know you were wrong!
You have been free for far too long!

I want to see you rot in jail,
Sentenced forever, without bail!

You stole the life I could've had,
And that just makes me sad and mad!

I hate you cuz I almost died!
Yet, you got off with a "free ride!"

©2005 Brandy Dorr

(Note: What happened is in "The Fourth Month Of My Life"


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  • 19 years ago

    by master of shadow

    I love this poem. its very good.

    however, could i sugest you have another look at the lines

    "You stole the life I could've had,
    And that just makes me sad and mad!"

    i dont know what it is abotu them but they dont seem to flow like the rest does.

    other than that a brilliant poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by NannO

    That was reli gud.. wonderful expression of emotion and ur messge was sent 'crystal clear' :D
    gr8 job.. hope ur OK

  • 19 years ago

    by Jamie

    I havnt read the other poem but im guessing it's about rape, hehe it'll be exciting to se if im right lol. well anyways great poem the rhymes were perfect never flawed the flow was great as always 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Truest Lies

    Yes, the rhyme was great, and that it had a story was very, very good...all in all, a ten out of five...quite the best.

    Good Writing!

  • 19 years ago

    by Aimee

    Awwwwwwwwwwww huni that is so sad u have a gr8 writing talent keep it up babe