Question of life or death..

by sarah cooper   Sep 21, 2005

This life that within which the magnitudes of pleasure are perfected, too, to the point that thought circles grief of circles joy circles suicide and then you stop... for you must answer the simple question of meaning and purpose before letting this great, beautiful mind, bod and soul be cut by blades or hung from rope or drowned in effexor or vicodin and dextromethorphan... it takes a beautiful mind to convey beautiful thoughts in the form of words. and to condition the beauty within us all takes a great degree of self reflection, but thoughts alone are not enough to change the world for the better. Those who hide their thoughts and feelings or who are unable to convey them accurately, suffer the same fate as those who have no thoughts or feelings at all. What use is an ugly thought compared to a productive thought? what is imperfection compared to the glory of mankind as a whole and the great beauty that lies in the most simple things in life? all of these insecurities and illogicisities serve not to enrich the communication, but to degress and downgrade it. Instead of moving into the upper stratospheres of thought and stimulating the knowledge-loving portion of the brain, dont seek to downplay the importance of self expression as a tool of healing...


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  • 18 years ago

    by ..eliSa*

    Ive read all ur poems and u are very well spoken and opinionated.. i really dont enjoy reading poetry that doesnt rhyme, but because of your talent i find your work interesting.. keep it up!!..if you get the chanse read my poetry..i am in great need of sum support , encouragment and honesty