Have you ever......?

by ♥•oOo MaDdiSoN ♥•oOo[[i LuV JoSiE]]   Sep 22, 2005

Have you ever felt like crying
when nobody else is there?
have you ever said I love you
hoping they will care?

do you ever look into their eyes
hoping your in their heart
wishing that they loved you
and missed you when your apart

have you ever had a friend
who's with the one you love
you wish that they loved YOU
and was your one from above

do you ever say to yourself
that they won't make you cry
so instead you hold onto the knife
wishing you would die?

have you ever cut yourself
to try to rid the pain
but finding in the moment
that its all you ever gain?

have you ever been right there
when there saying they'll always be
but hoping that they will break up
thinking 'now he can be with me'

have you ever been so selfish
that you tried to make them see
that they don't belong together
that they weren't meant to be

do you ever get so sad
that you don't no what to do
do you ever get so lonely
that you don't no if its true?

hi people this is about my friend who i like who's going out with my other friend, i feel really sad, the pain has taken hold, the truth cannot be told........


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  • 13 years ago

    by acquisto alicia

    It hurts when the person you love goes out with someone that you could never even imagine going out with. im so sorry that this happened to you but as the saying goes; its better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. if you love someone then let them go, if they come back then it was fate, but if they don't then i guess they never really loved you at all. it sucks a lot.

  • 19 years ago

    by ashley

    OMG!!!! Maddison........i so relate to u in this matter.....i wrote something so close to urs...about liking ur friend and ur other friend dating that person!! i'll post it later i have it written down and its long so i will have it soon ok

  • 19 years ago

    by hm

    Hey maddy im takin it this poem is about me......im sorry that i make u feel this way....but we r wif otha ppl now.... jst rember everythin happens 4 a reason luv u always ...josie.....

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