Song of the siren

by Ashelin   Sep 22, 2005

Sound of waves
Crashing to the shore
Tossing and turning
Forever more

A lone rock
Sits in the center
Of the tossing and turning
Not knowing any better

Songs are heard
As sailors pass
Fogs roll in
Covering the masts

A figure appears
Of a young girl
She sits on the rock
Letting her song whirl

The sailors stop
Enchanted by the tune
Some jump
Into their doom

As her song enchants
She flips her scaled tail
The song is carried by wind
As the wind rips at sails.

Her smile enchants
The sailors as spellbound
Her voice raises slightly
Sailors jump at the enchanting sound.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ashelin

    Thank you everyone, I'm glad you gusy liked it.

  • 19 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    Short lines, but impressive meter. A good poem with some great original ideas. You were able to narrate the poem smoothly without unnecessary detail. Good job and display your emotions strongly.

  • 19 years ago

    by Justin

    Wow.. that was really good you did a very good job, I liked you choice of words and the whole structure and flow, you did an excellent job and I don't think you could have done any better on this, keep up the good work, 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashelin

    Eeeh! Thank you :: bows happily:: I was just sitting around when a vision of the sea came to me...then the words took over!

  • I really liked this, it was good, beautifuly written !!! Great descriptions 2 !!
    xxx cici xxx