Ode to Autumn

by HansRik   Sep 22, 2005

The fresh autumnal breeze caress'th my cheek,
the joy this brings I can no longer seek
in Summer beauty or the Spring's "love" trick.

The cloudy sky does shine and makes birds sing,
my ears taste their sweetest romancing.
Forever will their composition ring.

The flowers sigh their natural perfumes,
and gently as ever they have stopped to bloom.
My nose, thus hopes, their last breaths to consume.

The leaves are bound to lose their green pigments,
and soon the flowers too, will lose their scent.
But lo! Nature's beauty will never end.

(C)Copyright 2005
(Hans Rik- nom de plume)


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  • 18 years ago

    by AshLetitia

    Wonderful. Truely inspirational. I was born in Autumn. Not that it is of any importance ofcourse.
    I think you needn't worry about plagerisers, for your work is far to beautiful for any one person to pass it off as their own, unless they themselves were just as talented, in which case, they should write their own poetry.

  • 19 years ago

    by shobhana kumar

    Picturesque; not just the imagery, but your use of words.

    good luck and peace

  • 19 years ago

    by Timeless Hopeful

    Hmm...How I miss the autumn days.

    Thanks for giving the imagery of what autumn really is.

    Your diction was flawless, and your style befitted what autum truly represents. Good poem...

  • 19 years ago

    by Grotesque Angel

    Really really good, what else can I say?
    Don't stop writing


  • 19 years ago

    by lisa marie

    This poem is really beautiful.