When goodbye only meant until tomorrow

by XxCrazy4youxX   Sep 22, 2005

My eyes all redden
from all the crying
With make up
running down my cheeks

I can't take this
anymore what
have i done for
God to give me this life

I try to make the
best of what I've got
then someone comes
and knocks me right back down

I miss the times
when my mind was worry
free, hearts where never
broken and

Goodbye only meant
until tomorrow
The only thing
I was scared of
was the dark

Those times have
passed and here i
am....A teenager
with my life all messed up

To much are on
my shoulders
I can't bare
the pain much longer

So don't be surprise
if one day I deiced to
take my life......
one day soon...

~*Please vote and comment...I wrote this while i was having the worst day of my life and its true if things don't change i don't know what I'll do*~


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  • 19 years ago

    by my_little_secret

    You sound so desperate in thisone, its erally upsetting to hear someone talk like that. YOu have a erally good way of expressing your emotions, your not a fancy writer, you dont use long words or try to make it pretty, you just tell it how it is