All I Want

by XxTeArSxX17   Sep 22, 2005

( i know it's long but plz R/R/C and i do the same.)


Laying in my bed
With my headphones on my head
Songs with words that make's me cry
Because ever word gets me thinking of you

I wonder things, if there true if there not
I think to my self and not one minute in the day do I stop
You always on my mind that I can't hide

I think about what your up to
I think about how you are
I think to my self do you miss me
Because I know I surely do miss you
I wonder if you might met another girl
Or if you all ready have I am not the jealous type
But you I wish I could have
I think to my self things like that
I even wonder if you think things like that

I don't know what it is but something
About you makes me happy
Makes me feel free like around you
I can only be me. I cant hide who I am
With you, you see past my mask
I don't know how you do it you just do

I never thought I would ever met some one like you
Before I did met you I never thought there was a guy
Out there as true as you. I never thought
That I find some one but then I met you.

After everything we been through
You still here by my side but your not my guy
And that makes me sad all the time
But your still here and help me through.
So for that I will be happy I am trying my
Hardest to not let this kill me inside
But... all I want

All I want is to be with you
All I want is to lay with you
All I want is to have you
All I want is for you to want me to
All I ever really need is you.

(C) Written By ~Ashleigh~


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  • Awwww its so cute and that boy better appreciate u writing these poems for him...but if he doesn't then u r just wasting ur time...ur very talented and i really look up to u....keep up the GREAT work

  • 19 years ago

    by TragicRomance

    That is exactly how I now but I don't have anything, including a house b/c of Katrina. GeREAT POEM! I enjoyed it VERY much! :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Carmen

    I totally know how you feel, and i feel the same way. i've found a few tiny spelling/grammatical erroes: 'Laying in my bed' should be 'Lying in my bed ', 'met' in stanza 5, sentance one should be 'meet'. thats about it. awesome poem; 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Lonely Heart .ღ.

    Really sweet poem... even though im bawling my eyes out, love is making me depressed, but it really is well written

  • Again, really nice, i can relate to this and i like the way you've writen it.

    xxx cici xxx