Nightmare's Reign...

by SplitSided   Sep 23, 2005

Painful dreams.
Silent screams.
Nothing but pain.
Memories that drive me insane.
Windows into my past.
Images of my memories that always last.
Voice's that ring in my minds eye.
Voice's that make me wish I could die.
Voice's that make me want to cry.
Tears from years of pain.
And now people look at me with disdain.
I can't stand the dreams.
I don't want the silent screams.
I don't want anymore of this pain.
I don't want to be my memories slave.
I wish it would go away.
But the nightmare's are here to stay.
Haunting me in my sleep.
Locked in my memories to keep.
In my sleep I remember nothing but pain.
In my sleep I'm under my nightmare's reign...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Pyrovengance

    I liked it. You had good thoughs and descriptions in that poem but the rhime scheme got of like 2 times and I was wondering if that was purposeful or what. Anyways, good job and keep it up.