Comments : I thought

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    I think this poem is fine the way it is, Its sweet and caring and thats what matters right? and who ever said common things were bad?! Thankyou for all your loevely comments they mean alot to me, Im tryin to comment on your but my computer keeps crash =S Im sorry, they're all wonderful though keep it coming, stay strong theere are people In this world that love you, This poem shows that=)

    Love Jenn x0x0x

  • I agree with pure silence. this poem is fine, and original just how it is. sounds like you have some really great friends... i really like your work. keep it up and thanks so much for the comments on mine xx

  • 19 years ago

    by TeArS R FaLLiNg

    Hey i think it was great so nicely written and lots of emotion xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by Switchblade89

    Very good poem.I liked it.Thanx for commenting on mine.That makes me sad that noone writes poems to you.So I'll write you one.k.well lataz

  • 19 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    I like it, it really flows good stuf!!

    sammi x

  • 19 years ago

    by EyEs WiDe ShUt

    Hey i know what your saying, i know how that is but i been with he so long i dont know how to love someonw else...

  • 19 years ago

    by Brooke

    Wow I really like that poem~ That was very nice and it was written well to me.


    oh and thanks for the comment on my poem it meant a lot~

  • 19 years ago

    by BlueKiss

    Haha, I Liked Your Comment, It Was Truthful And Honest. And No Its Like A Begining Of A Story, Not A Poem. Not All Writting In This Site Is Poetic. Thanx $ The Comment! Next Time I Have Something To Write About I'll Ask YOu ;)

  • 19 years ago

    by Melissa Westfall

    I think it was a great poem i really liked it alot. you are a great writer and this poem was wounderful. keep it up. and thanx for comminting again on mine. and about where have i been. well ive been so buisy with studying and trying to work on my book i just dont have time to be on latley and im waiting on my new computer to get here then i will be on again more often. the book is going ok. its alot of work and is gonna take alot of time. but i will let you know what poems of yours i use when i get my new computer this week ok.......luv and huggs.....missy

  • 19 years ago

    by Michael

    This poem was different, but still as great. U said how u hought and they proved u wrong the good way! 5/5 Keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by amelia

    Beautiful poem... wow
    its so strong & touching & amazingly done !!
    nothing less !!
    love always