by brittany   Sep 24, 2005

*this poem is truebut in order to get it u should read TIME TO TELL. this is how i feel at this monent *

I have these feelings deep inside
I thought I had gotten ride of them
But once I saw u they
All came back.
Fear, hatred,
And regret.
I'm scared of u
No I'm terrified u
I thought I had gotten ride of u
But then one day I saw u walking to
Class. And all of these feelings come
Why cant I seem to get u out of my life?
When I thought u were out of my life
For good my dreams were sweat
And pleasant. Now theyre hounded by
U. Now all I can do is think
What if u try again?
My life was great up till that day
The I saw u walking to class.
Why cant I get ride of these feelings
I have deep inside? Why wont they go away?
Why wont you go away?


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  • 19 years ago

    by DAYLON

    Good Poem Honey keep up the writing, it is good to be back on this site but I will not be on this site for long though. I be on www.drakivy.tk with my poetry on the coming year. Take care babe xx

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah

    Know the feeling...

  • 19 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    It really spoke to me and I felt it.

  • 19 years ago

    by ~*Curious Me*~

    Great poem.I like both of them this and time to tell.Keep up i ask myself the same question why cant i get rid of these feelings? why wont they go way?
    why wont you go away?

    I love this poem.Keep up the good work.5/5 all the way.

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