
by ReBecca   Sep 24, 2005

Written by: ReBecca Sanchez

Find shelter if you can!
God flicks you away,
with a sweep of His hand.

Slewing anger, destruction.
Run. Run.
Run, while you can flee.

Pray, believe, fight!
Cry and weep.
The bowels of Hell,
now doth leap.

Scream, cry, and flounder!
Shriek with rage.
Good or Evil,
Judge has no gauge.

Screech your innocence,
cry your faith!
life slips away,
just a ghostly wraith.


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  • 19 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    That was an awesome poem..Great job..Short Simple but yet powerful and meaningful..Excellent Job
    ~The Broken Man~

  • 19 years ago

    by Justin

    Whoa that was really good, I liked the words you used, and the poem really put a picture in my head, I think the part where you put "god flicks you away,with a sweep of his hand" was really good, nice description, great job, 5/5.

  • 19 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    Oh, very nice. A very nice flow, you used little amount of words but packed them with description and emotion. Definetely a well written piece of poetry!
    "God flicks you away,
    with a sweep of His hand."
    Great imagery in those lines. I could really picture a devine spirit flicking a human, just like a kid flicks ants.

  • 19 years ago

    by Cory Mastrandrea

    Different. I don't really know what to say about it Rebecca. I liked the way it was written, seemed like a sparratic flow, which I thought was cool

  • 19 years ago

    by JJ

    Unusual and interesting read. like the others, I love the quick pace...made it exciting to read. I have nothing to critique about it...great job! keep up the good work